Архивы за месяц: July 2020

Ukraine stand with Yuriy Dmitriev!

On July 22 the most shameful political trial in recent years will be completed in Russia. The court will decide the fate of a historian Yuriy Dmitriev in the fabricated case. The Memorial has recognized the 64-year-old historian as a political prisoner. He faces up to 20 years in prison. Yuriy Dmitriev is being persecuted […]

Bernard Raeder

In a one-story house on the 31, Ruska st. lived the famous American artist, sculptor, graphic artist and architect Bernard Raeder (1897-1963). «I owe everything I am to Chernivtsi», – in this way he proudly spoke about himself and creativity. Bernard Raeder was born in our city in the family of a hotel owner and […]

Translator and literary scholar Petro Rykhlo

“Somewhat you enjoy when you struggle with a piece – it lasts for long, and at times you lose heart (“it’s impossible to translate”), and at times you don’t understand it. But when you find the solution – in translation or interpretation – it fills you with a high sense: “I have made it!” It […]

Jewish writer Joseph Burg

In a two-story townhouse on the 13, Sheptytskoho st., built in the second half of the XIX century in the style of historicism, from 1990 until his death at the age of 98 years lived the happiest years the famous Jewish writer Joseph Burg (1912-2009). In the apt words of Professor Peter Ryhlo, “the last […]